+ The latest in marketing

What is marketing? More than a series of one-off campaigns or initiatives, marketing is the glue that holds everything together - from your product or service to your customer experience to your visual identity. When marketing is done well, it creates a seamless and consistent experience for consumers, no matter how they interact with your brand.


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Why University Ads Are Important for Spring Back-To-School Marketing

The spring back-to-school season is a great time for businesses to reach out to college students. Scholars are often looking for new products and services as they head into second semester. This is...

Graduate Recruitment - 7 Marketing Strategies to Increase Enrollment

While undergraduate programs have struggled with declining enrollments, the overall graduate recruitment picture is fairly positive. Most institutions are seeing post grad program applications remain...

Campus Ads: Increase Website Traffic with Traditional Advertising

In today's digital age, it's easy to forget about the power of traditional advertising. But for businesses targeting students, conventional campus ads can be an extremely effective marketing tactic....