+ Digital Media (28)

Despite the growing number of majors and universities throughout the United States, college enrollment has experienced a decline in recent years, according to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. Here at MSSmedia, we deliver college recruitment campaigns that help increase college enrollment, in addition to promoting specific majors, programs and recreational activities on campuses.


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+ digital-media
Student property marketing

What is a Student Housing Property Marketing Campaign?

Are you struggling to meet your occupancy goals? Enhanced marketing will certainly help you on your way. Learn what an effective student housing property marketing campaign consists of in today’s...

+ digital-media
Mobile App Reach

Amplify Your Campus Marketing Campaign with Mobile Apps

Did you know that college students in the United States have over $500 billion in spending power? Therefore, gaining the attention of the millions that make up this audience is vital for a wide...

+ digital-media

What Is PR for Higher Ed & How Does It Increase Student Enrollment?

In today’s crowded higher education marketplace, it’s not enough to simply offer the degrees and programs that applicants are looking for. You need to attract attention to your institution – both the...