+ Marketing wrote:

Our blog series on  “planning an effective modern marketing campaign” continues with an exploration of the buyer’s journey (or full funnel marketing). Learn how to maximize the effect of your marketing campaign by addressing every stage of the buyer’s journey.


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Digital Marketing Solutions That Drive Property Marketing Success

Many property marketers recognize that digital marketing solutions are an important part of their efforts to increase heads in beds. However, marketing directors may not realize how essential new...

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How to Increase Enrollment with an Integrated Marketing Strategy

In this installment of our Recruiting Students blog series, we complete the DISCOVER stage of marketing strategy development before moving on to stage two - CREATE. Here we discuss how and why to...

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What Is an Integrated Marketing Strategy and Why Do I Need One?

So far our “planning an effective modern marketing campaign” series has explored the preparatory work necessary for creating a potent marketing campaign. Our posts on developing a buyer persona for...