+ Marketing Toolkit (13)

As student housing property managers struggle to meet their occupancy goals in an intensely competitive environment, many are looking for innovative marketing strategies that will successfully deliver heads in beds. It’s easy to get lost in a deluge of marketing gimmicks and conflicting advice. Throughout almost two decades of delivering winning marketing strategies, we’ve honed our process for maximum effectiveness and efficiency. The end result? Ten concise steps to successfully reach your student housing property marketing goals.


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+ marketing-toolkit
woman standing on concrete steps

Business Lessons Learned in the Toughest of Times

For almost all of us, the past few years were a real shock to the system. Around the world, people faced a wide range of unexpected personal challenges, while business as usual was upended and...

+ marketing-toolkit

College Recruitment: Identifying Your Target Audience

As a student recruitment professional, identifying your target audience probably seems pretty straightforward. You’re marketing your school or program to teens and young adults (and their parents),...

+ marketing-toolkit
Highway in a rural area with "next steps" written on the road

Property Marketing Best Practices Drive Target Audience Engagement

We’ve covered the basics of creating a successful property marketing campaign and we’ve taken a deep dive into several of the most important components of an effective student housing marketing...