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Marketing campaigns are not one size fits all. The specific college media strategies you should employ depend on your goals, your audience, and the tactics available to you. Join us to learn how (and why) to execute a brand campaign on campus.


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Is COVID Still Affecting Campus Advertising Outcomes?

It’s no secret that COVID has strongly impactedmarketing campaigns over the past few years. While digital advertising has grown in strength and popularity, traditional media hasn’t had the same...

Successful Campus Media Campaigns: Military Recruitment - Army National Guard

Today’s post in our successful campus media campaigns series explores three highly effective Army National Guard branding and recruitment campaigns. Apply these techniques to build brand awareness...

Strategic Marketing For Schools: 8 Ways To Reach Adult Learners

Targeting adult learners is one of the most powerful ways to recruit college students in the current climate. But what are the best ways to incorporate this tactic into strategic marketing for...