+ Marketing Toolkit (8)

Recently we interviewed one of our team experts about a newly published case study that demonstrates how our proven property marketing process works for a specific student housing property. Today we’re exploring the successful University Village Towson housing communication campaign. Learn how to achieve property marketing success with this case study as your guide.


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Gen Z Illustration, male student leaning on desk with tablet

5 Innovative Ways to Execute an Effective College Recruitment Campaign

When it comes to student recruitment, innovation is especially important. Your target audience is young, modern, and not likely to be attracted to stale advertising efforts and old school campaigns....

+ marketing-toolkit
7 Deadly Sins of Marketing Infographic

7 Deadly Sins of Student Housing Property Marketing

Are your student housing property marketing efforts failing? Do you need more leads, increased numbers of qualified applicants, and better occupancy rates? Are you looking for a better bang for your...

+ marketing-toolkit
Illustration of different customer profiles

Market Segmentation: Should You Create Unique Customer Personas?

The advent of digital communication technology has increased market segmentation capabilities enormously. From the ability to advertise based on only the broadest demographic, socio-economic, and...