+ Digital Media (10)

In today's digital age, marketers have access to a vast array of tools and tactics to reach their target audience. One of the most important marketing strategies is to create frequent exposure to your brand and messaging. Marketers can also benefit from location targeting. You can set messaging frequency and location targeting on most digital marketing channels, including social media, email marketing, and paid digital advertising. Learn more about these important marketing strategies.


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+ digital-media

Promote Events on Campus with Powerful College Media Strategies

You’ve got an important event coming up. It could be a concert, athletic competition, lecture, annual sale, open house or anything in between. You’ve reserved a space, hired staff and created a...

+ digital-media

Digital Campus Advertising by Platform: Instagram

In the United States, approximately eight out of tenadvertising dollars is devoted to digital ads. This impressive stat confirms the importance of digital advertising. Today we continue our “Digital...

+ digital-media

Sell Subscription Services Effectively with Campus Conversion Campaigns

Subscription services have taken off like wildfire in the past decade. To compete in this crowded market, you not only need to increase awarenessand consideration of your service, you must also...