+ Digital Media (4)

While most college students today are members of Generation Z, millennials are still heavily represented. While these neighboring cohorts have similar digital media preferences, there are some important differences for marketers to keep in mind. Explore the social media habits of college students by generation to maximize your campus marketing campaign results.


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Person holding mobile phone with TikTop logo on screen (social media habits of college students)

Social Media Habits of College Students by Platform: TikTok

Almost eighty percent of small businesses use social media to connect with their customers. And with good reason! Nearly 5 billion people access social platforms regularly, and that number continues...

+ digital-media
Live campaign image - TIAA bus card on USC bus.

Successful Campus Media Campaigns: UI Health

Today’s post in our successful campus media campaigns series explores how the University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System (UI Health) is reaching tens of thousands of students, faculty...

+ digital-media
Snapchat icon (Social Media Habits of College Students by Platform: Snapchat)

Social Media Habits of College Students by Platform: Snapchat

To advertise to students effectively, you must understand how they consume content of all types. This post continues our exploration of the social media habits of college students by platform. Learn...