+ Marketing Toolkit (10)

There’s been a lot of buzz lately about mobile marketing. But what exactly is mobile marketing? Should you consider adding it to your marketing plan, and if so, why? How do you do mobile marketing well? As media experts known for creating winning strategies and building award-worthy campaigns, we’re happy to share our mobile marketing knowledge with you. Learn what mobile marketing is, what you need to get started, and how to create a good mobile marketing strategy of your own.


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3 Key Digital Marketing Solutions for Increasing Student Enrollment

Whether you’re recruiting students to your university or a specific major, graduate program, or other campus initiative, digital marketing solutions are non-negotiable. Earlier in our Recruiting...

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Infographic of the Buyer's Journey

Considering the Buyer’s Journey (Full Funnel Marketing)

Our blog series on “planning an effective modern marketing campaign” continues with an exploration of the buyer’s journey (or full funnel marketing). Learn how to maximize the effect of your...

+ marketing-toolkit
two women sitting on concrete steps with laptop

Digital Marketing Solutions That Drive Property Marketing Success

Many property marketers recognize that digital marketing solutions are an important part of their efforts to increase heads in beds. However, marketing directors may not realize how essential new...