+ Marketing Toolkit (16)

In today’s crowded market, advertising your student housing property is an absolute necessity. Effective rental property marketing puts important information in front of your target audience and propels them to action. However, we suggest advertising only if you have crystal-clear marketing goals and a properly designed marketing strategy.


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Bus shelter campaign with Lyft

Campus Advertising Campaigns: The Top 3 Things to Know

Each fall, millions of students attending U.S. colleges and universities contribute over 400 billion dollars in spending power. As students flock to campuses nationwide, there are endless...

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Illustration - wifi icon with people using different digital devices

Online Marketing: SEO in 3 Simple Steps

As we head further and further into an era of online marketing, the term “SEO” is frequently referenced, mis-referenced, and used as the basis of arcane marketing arguments. SEO, or Search Engine...

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mobile phone with Instagram Logo

How Digital Advertising is Changing Consumer Habits

The way we shop for products today is drastically different than it was a decade ago. We no longer have to go to the grocery store to buy shampoo and toothpaste or the department store for jeans and...