5 Ways to Leverage Data to Maximize University Advertising Results

Topics: Campus Media

Posted by: Marketing

In today's hyper-competitive advertising landscape, simply throwing money at ad campaigns is no longer a winning strategy. To truly succeed, businesses must utilize facts and figures to optimize their campaigns. Discover five ways to leverage data to maximize university advertising results.

Colleagues standing in a data center in front of drawings of charts


#1 Be aware of current demographic data.

Monitor the state of the campus marketplace. Know who is on campus, what their goals and interests are and how they like to interact with information. Understand the types of ads that will appeal to them and which calls to action they will find engaging.


MSSmedia Buyer Persona Worksheet




#2 Apply social media insights.

Analyze your social media audience demographics, interests and online behavior. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat provide valuable insights into your followers and potential customers.


+ Explore the social media habits of college students to maximize university advertising results.


#3 Utilize website analytics. 

Dive deep into your website traffic data to understand who is visiting your site, which pages they're viewing and how they're interacting with your content. Monitor website traffic from your campus ad campaigns to see how many people are visiting your site as a result of your efforts. To do this easily, create campaign-specific landing pages and include the link in your ad text and QR codes.


Magnifing glass and documents with analytics data lying on table


#4 Employ A/B testing. 

Experiment with different ad creative, tactics and placements to identify the most effective combinations. Analyze the results and make adjustments as needed to improve performance.



"That which is measured improves." 



#5 Track and measure key performance indicators.

Track conversion rates (purchases, leads, sign-ups etc.) to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns in driving your desired outcomes. Analyze your ad spend to determine how much it costs to acquire a customer or generate a lead. Calculate your return on ad spend to determine the overall profitability of your campaigns.


Worksheet Thumbnail - SMART Marketing Goals




By implementing these data-driven strategies, you can:

  • Increase your return on investment.
  • Improve brand awareness.
  • Drive more conversions.
  • Gain a competitive advantage.

When you base your campus ad campaigns on accurate data rather than random guesses, you will truly maximize your university advertising results.


See our complete guide to advertising to university students.




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