+ Campus Media (2)

Traditional advertising methods alone are no longer enough to maintain competitiveness in the media and marketing space. Incorporating emerging media into campus marketing campaigns is a highly effective tactic. Advertise on audio streaming platforms to extend your reach and maximize your ROI.


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+ campus-media
MSSmedia successful campus media campaigns - USC Institute for Addiction Science recruitment ad

Successful Campus Media Campaigns: SeaWorld Halloween

Today’s post in our successful campus media campaigns series explores how SeaWorld reached tens of thousands of local college students with compelling messaging, driving event awareness and...

+ campus-media
advertise to students with emerging media - college student smiling while using laptop at a coffeeshop

Advertise to Students with Emerging Media: LinkedIn

Although you may not think of LinkedIn as an emerging media platform, its influence continues to grow. As college students begin to look for internships and career opportunities, it becomes an...

+ campus-media
traditional campus media: digital out-of-home advertising transit ad

Traditional Campus Media: Newspaper Ads

College newspaper advertising offers unique advantages. Incorporate this traditional campus media tactic into your marketing campaign and achieve surprising results.