+ Campus Media (22)

Businesses looking to maximize their marketing success need to broaden their horizons. They must explore fresh avenues and forge new meaningful relationships. For many, this includes reaching out to students at historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). Learn why you should advertise at HBCUs today.


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+ campus-media

Digital Marketing Solutions For College Recruitment: Video Marketing

Digital marketing solutions may be the most important part of a successful student recruitment campaign, and videos are a key digital marketing tool. Develop an effective video marketing strategy to...

+ campus-media

Successful Campus Media Campaigns: University of Houston's College of Nursing

Today’s post in our successful campus media campaigns series explores how the University of Houston College of Nursing achieved record high information session attendance and program enrollment...

+ campus-media

Why & How to Use Campus Social Media Advertising

Social media ads make up almost one third of all internet ad revenue. There are many reasons why paid social advertising is so popular. Learn how you can increase reach and engagement among college...