+ Campus Media (20)

Since 1900, Coppin State University has been inspiring students from Maryland and beyond to achieve greatness in and out of the classroom. With a proud history, colorful traditions and deep community roots, Coppin State students and faculty are giving back to surrounding Baltimore communities, winning prestigious awards and much more. Learn more about why advertising to students at Coppin State University is valuable.


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+ campus-media

Successful Campus Media Campaigns: Target

This week’s post in our successful campus media campaigns series explores how retail giant Target reached thousands of students with two successful back-to-school campus media campaigns. Learn how...

+ campus-media

Top College Media Strategies: Campus Audio Advertising

Audio streaming services continue to explode in popularity, especially among young adults. Spotify, Pandora, and other digital platforms are the preferred sources of audio information and...

+ campus-media

Four College Back-to-School Marketing Strategies for Spring

As we recently discussed, spring back-to-school advertising is an important long-term proposition for many businesses targeting college students (and their families). Incorporate these four college...